sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Why Energy Poverty Is the Worst Kind of Poverty - TIME

Why Energy Poverty Is the Worst Kind of Poverty - TIME:

I want you to try to imagine what it's like to live without electricity. It's boring, for one thing — no television, no MP3 player, no video games. And it's lonely and disconnected as well — no computer, no Internet, no mobile phone. You can read books, of course — but at night you won't have light, other than the flicker of firewood. And about that firewood — you or someone in your family had to gather it during the day, taking you away from more productive work or schooling, and in some parts of the world, exposing you to danger. That same firewood is used to cook dinner, throwing off smoke that can turn the air inside your home far more toxic than that breathed in an industrial city. You may lack access to vaccines and modern drugs because the nearest hospital doesn't have regular power to keep the medicine refrigerated. You're desperately poor — and the lack of electricity helps to ensure that you'll stay that way.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

El secreto de Victoria… un marketing angelical! | creativosinc.com

El secreto de Victoria… un marketing angelical! | creativosinc.com:

La primera vez es inolvidable �verdad? Excepto si la segunda es mejor, y la tercera es mejor que la anterior y as�sucesivamente. Antes de que salten a conclusiones inapropiadas debo aclarar que hablo sobre uno de los secretos m�s famosos del mundo (no… no es el de la receta de Coca Cola). Les hablo de una marca que desde mi punto de vista, siempre est�superando lo que hicieron antes. Su publicidad siempre tiene mujeres muy intensas, no tanto bonitas. Mejor dicho, distintas y llamativas, seguras de s�mismas, o sea, que transmiten. La gran marca de qui�n les compartir�unas ideas de su estrategia es Victoria�s Secret.

Entonces, �cu�l es el famoso secreto de Victoria que a hombres y mujeres parece simplemente encantar?